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FANN partners with Betrock Information Systems

Allied FANN member Betrock Information Systems, publisher of PlantFinder and PlantSearch, is providing great new FREE benefits to both FANN and our members. And just in time to debut on their beautiful new website. They’ve got cool new capabilities coming in September, too, so be sure to bookmark Betrock.

5 free plant listings for FANN members on PlantSearch
Free banner ad for FANN members who advertise in PlantFinder
Promotion of FANN on PlantSearch
Promotion of FANN members who list on PlantSearch or advertise in PlantFinder
Ads promoting FANN in PlantFinder & on PlantSearch

FANN members can publish 5 free listings on PlantSearchabsolutely free — you just need to register with Betrock to do so and let them know you’re a FANN member. This is on top of any benefits you may already have as an FNGLA member.

Yes, of course, Betrock would love to sell you more advertising. They are in business, after all and so are all of us, even those of us who don’t act like it. But this is an easy, real no-cost benefit to you and FANN. Do it!

You can even FAX your 5 listings and they’ll do the work for you – how’s that? Old school service just like your favorite association, FANN!
FAX: 954-981-2823

If you’re already an advertiser with Betrock, you’ll get an additional 5 listings plus a banner ad in the PlantFinder. All listings are automatically placed on PlantSearch at no additional cost.

All thanks to our great partner, the unsinkable Christy Savage. Call her at 954-981-2821 or email Christy at