Real Plants Florida
Growing, planting and promoting
Florida native plants for sustainable landscapes.
Gardeners & Homeowners

FANN welcomes FCI Coleman

The Coleman Federal Correctional Institute in Sumter County has joined FANN as a landscape associate member institution. Through its relationship with the University of Florida IFAS Sumter County Extension, Coleman is providing its inmates with horticultural training opportunities to enhance their re-entry into society and lower recidivism rates. For years, FANN has received hand-written letters from Coleman inmates, requesting any kind of educational materials we might be able to provide so that they can learn about native plants and sustainable landscaping. We are now hoping that Coleman can be part of the solution to produce more native plant knowledgeable landscape workers for the future of our industry. Coleman has also joined our partner organization, the Florida Native Plant Society.

Read more about how horticulture can move people from jails to jobs.