Real Plants Florida
Growing, planting and promoting
Florida native plants for sustainable landscapes.
Gardeners & Homeowners

Landscape Architects to get all types of CE classes at Native Plant Show

Finally! Laws and rules and advanced building codes classes will be on the agenda at the 4th Annual Native Plant Show this spring, thanks to a collaboration with DistanceLearnPro, a provider of both live and online education for industry professionals. Landscape architects can now get all the types of continuing education credits they need at the Native Plant Show. FANN is especially pleased that Joe Samnik, who everyone tells us is the best in the business, will be teaching these classes. Certainly Joe has a gift for making what sounds like dry material very entertaining. We heard hundreds of landscape architects roaring in laughter during his advanced building codes class at the 2015 Florida Chapter ASLA conference. FANN is working with DistanceLearnPro on multiple fronts to make more continuing education, including native plant education, more readily available when and where professionals need it. Stay tuned!