Real Plants Florida
Growing, planting and promoting
Florida native plants for sustainable landscapes.
Gardeners & Homeowners

New Garden Revolution books looks promising & sounds familiar …

FANN received notice of a promising new book, Garden Revolution, How our Landscapes Can Be a Source of Environmental Change, by Larry Weaner and Thomas Christopher, Timber Press. We were intrigued by the book’s advice, which we’ve been hearing from FANN members for 30+ years:

“For decades, Weaner has been observing the ways that plants behave in various sites and soils, and how they respond dynamically to their surroundings and to one another. From his observations and design practice, he has distilled a set of principles that sets much of traditional horticulture on its head.

Take weeding, for example. Most of us pull them out by the root. Bad idea—that brings more weed seeds to the surface and perpetuates the problem. It’s much better to cut them off at the base and weaken them so that desirable plants can crowd them out.

How about fertilizing and irrigating—that’s important, right? Nope. Plants that are adapted to the local soil, site, and climate don’t need those artificial inputs. All that extra food and water just invites more weeds…”

You don’t say? No surprise. But now that it’s in print, maybe our customers will believe it.