Real Plants Florida
Growing, planting and promoting
Florida native plants for sustainable landscapes.
Gardeners & Homeowners

Registration now open for Jan 8 GROW NATIVE Workshop

Grower workshop 9am-Noon
Friday, January 8, 2016
at Green Seasons Nursery in Parrish, Manatee County

Sign up NOW!

Grow retail-ready native plants and make money doing it. On-the-farm workshop for growers to learn and share methods of producing native plants for greater mass market appeal and profitabiity.

Green Seasons Nursery owner Roger Triplett and his crew discuss and demonstrate what goes into producing good-looking, profitable plants, including the quality of starter plants, moving plants up through gallon container sizes, soils, fertilizers, watering, biocontrols and chemical control of pests and fungus, trimming techniques and all the many considerations that go into producing profitable plants from start to finish. Specific species to be covered include Wild Coffee, Walter’s Viburnum, Beautyberry, and White Indigoberry, in addition to overview discussions about producing grasses and wildflowers.

Meet fellow members and learn how to improve your native plant production.

This the first workshop in FANN’s new Grow Native Series addressing native plant production for greater mass market appeal and for greater biodiversity.

9:00am – Check-in & orientation
9:30am-Noon – Workshop
Noon-1:00pm – Lunch

FEE: $40 per person for FANN member growers. Lunch included. Non-members can join and receive complimentary workshop as a new member bonus — tell your colleagues.

For professionals only, please.