Real Plants Florida
Growing, planting and promoting
Florida native plants for sustainable landscapes.
Gardeners & Homeowners

FANN Education Committee

Recommends, solicits and helps coordinate education programs that serve the needs of members and the native plant industry, consistent with FANN’s mission and direction provided by the Board of Directors.


  • Coordinates with board and staff to develop budget and schedule objectives for education programs.
  • Submits recommended Native Plant Show education program for review and approval by the Native Plant Show committee.
  • Proposes other education programs to the board of directors for funding and approval.
  • Coordinates with staff to publish and distribute communications, including surveys and promotions, to FANN members, external partners and target audiences.

Chair supported by 5 members.
Goal: representation of two nursery, two landscape and two environmental professionals.
FANN’s Executive Director is an ex oficio member of the committee.

Committee meets six times per year using virtual meeting technology or in person.

Committee members should expect to invest six hours per month.

Chair: Janine Griffiths, Green Thumb Inc.
Frank Gabry, AAL by Frank Gabry
Alyssa Lavoro, Alexander Landscaping & Plant Farm
Mike Sobba, Aquatic Vegetation Control & Martin County Farms
Renee Stambaugh, Native Plant Consulting

For questions or to volunteer, please contact us.